Monday, September 3, 2018

A Radical Arrangement by Jane Ashford

Brash and Handsome
Sir Justin Keighley is all wrong for a proper young lady like Margaret Mayfield. Everyone knows he is shocking in his opinions, arrogant in his manner, and completely without respect for the common decencies of civilized society. Margaret absolutely will not marry him-no matter what her parents say.

Beautiful and Shy
Margaret was everything Sir Justin detested in a woman-timid, sheltered, and obedient to a fault. It's not until she runs away from him that he finds he must give chase. Margaret is discovering she can be bold and rebellious-intrepid enough to do what she must, and more exciting than Justin ever imagined possible. She's the last woman he would have expected to lead them both into uncharted territory...

This story is very sweet, as young Margaret finds herself as a result of her interactions with Justin. I confess I found Margaret incomprehensible at the beginning of the story, but upon reflection it seems likely that sheltered girls of her time truly were that out of touch with reality. Watching her grow and develop her own ideas was lovely, though I do think that she seems to have undergone her utter transformation very quickly. That quibble aside, I very much enjoyed the story, though I do think Justin was very forgiving given the manner in which Margaret caused his injury. Still, an enjoyable sweet read.

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